By Greg Turner | September 25, 2016
Get Whatever You Want Hypnotherapy is part two of a two part series on how to get unstuck from psychological challenges such as to stop smoking or lose weight, or get over fear of public speaking. If you have not read part one, please read it here or otherwise reading part two won’t make as much sense.
The first place where a hypnotic trance can help in this process is at the beginning. You will be helped a lot in answering the question, “who would you have to be in order to get whatever you want” if you answer it from within a trance. Why? Because in a trance you have more access to your inner mind, the unconscious mind. So, any answer to this question will come from a deeper place within and be more true, more you. Without being in a trance, you answer will tend to be more intellectual and won’t hold much weight. Many times, without being in a trance, your first answer to this question will be “I don’t know” which is not really useful.
So, guiding someone into trance, I have the client answer the question, “who would you have to be in order to get what you want?” The trance state is also used to help the client amp up the experience, so that they really deeply feel it and be it.
One of the hallmark characteristics of being in a hypnotic trance is having the ability to hold in consciousness two or more seemingly contradictory ideas. For instance, if you want to lose 20 pounds and you intuit that your True Self is one of self love and appreciation, then without a trance, your mind will gravitate towards one or the other idea. “I am fat” or “I love myself” but not both. In a hypnotic trance it is much easier to hold both ideas in place at the same time, “I am fat AND I love myself”. Remember, in part one of this series, I wrote about being able to hold in consciousness the contradiction between your True Self and the physical reality. So being able to hold in consciousness both ideas, it will be much easier to intuit the next smallest step to take towards your goal.
The third area where hypnotic trance is helpful is in the area of healing. Many times, people don’t get what they want because of some unresolved issue from the past. Having discovered what your True Self is and identifying with it tends to quickly bring up anything in reality that does not match and is in contradiction to your True Self and in such situations it is very easy to lose touch with your True Self and start identifying with a negative self images. For example, if your True Self is abundantly successful and you have no money, looking at your bank account could bring for memories of not being comfortable around money or feeling like a loser when it comes to money. The low bank account will cause a person to lose sight of their True Self and start identifying with some negative self image. Hypnotherapy can help in resolving those past issues, so that you won’t be knocked off balance from your True Self.
If I can answer any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to Contact Me.
Topics: Get What You Want, Hypnotherapy