By Greg Turner | January 25, 2015
Did you know that hypnosis relieves pain? Well, it can. Pain can be caused by injury to the body. Then after the body heals, the pains goes away, naturally. However, sometimes, even though the body has healed, the brain and nervous system remain very sensitive. This sensitivity leads to a stimulated or agitated state that the brain interprets as pain. This is known as chronic persistent pain.
Eating a bad diet full of junk or manufactured food tends to make the brain sensitive; whereas eating a good healthy diet leads to a relaxed nervous system that is not so sensitive, which in turn leads to lowering pain.
Likewise, healthy exercise keeps the brain and nervous system relaxed and less sensitive which produces less pain.
Hypnosis relieves pain on the psychological front. Bad thoughts, mood, and emotions tend to keep the nervous system sensitive and agitated. Also, stress keep the whole nervous system in an up agitated state. Hypnosis can help with all these issues. Hypnosis relieves stress and can help to resolve difficult moods and emotions, which leads to much less pain.
A doctor’s referral is needed to work with pain because hypnosis should not be used to take away pain if there is a legitimate reason for it being there. Pain can be a signal that something in the body needs to be taken care of. But if a doctor signs off and says the body is OK, then hypnosis can be used to relieve the pain.