By Greg Turner | January 1, 2017
This article discusses how to set goals for the New Year. Happy New Year everyone. Did you know that there is a correct way to set your goals for the New Year? Read on in order to increase the chances that your New Years Resolutions will come true.
1. First thing is to state your goal in the positive. Do not state your goal in terms of what you don’t want. Rather state it in terms of what you do want. In other words, do you want to play in order to win, or do you play in order to no lose. If you have your goal in the negative like “I want to stop smoking” you end up having your mind still on what you don’t want which will keep that in place. Keeping your mind on the goal of stopping smoking keeps the smoking in place because that is where your mind is. In stead, state your goal like this, “My breath is healthy and my lungs are clean”.
2. State you goal in the present tense, not in future tense. Stating, “I will earn more money” keeps that always in the future. State is like this, “I earn $10,000 or more in the New Year”. Or “I am earning $10,00 or more this year”.
3. Which brings me to this point. Make your goal specific. Saying, “I earn more money this year” is easily achieved, because all you have to do is earn an extra $1 and you’ve done it. So, be specific. It is good to state goals in sensory terms. That means, state your goal in terms of what you will see, hear, and feel.
4. Make your goals around something you have control over. “My goal is to make Susie like me” is not possible because you have no control over whether Susie likes you.
5. Goals must be realistic. IF you are 65 years old and 5 foot tall, having a goal of being a professional basketball player is not realistic.
6. Goals must be good for you and the rest of the universe.
Happy New Year to you all.
Topics: Get What You Want, Resolutions