By Greg Turner | November 15, 2016
In order to understand how does hypnosis work, you only need to realize that people experience the exact same event differently from each other. I am sure you have experienced this before. Something will happen and you will experience it much differently than your friend who is standing right beside you and experienced the same event.
Now, how is this possible? It is possible because every person interprets the same event differently. Every person brings to the table their own judgments, memories, past experiences, past learnings, that inform and determine how they interpret an event. In other words, you do not experience an event directly or as it is. You experience an event through a filter of beliefs, judgments, memories, etc that have a profound effect on how you experience an event.
This understanding can be taken one step further when you realize that not only do you experience external events through this filter of your own making, but you also experience yourself, your internal experiences through a filter made up of the same judgments, memories, past experiences, past learnings, and beliefs.
This is how it is possible for a hypnotherapist to use language in an artful way to help you experience something in a different way. Because it is in the use of art language that your filter through which you experience events can be changed, thus changing how you experience an event.
So, suppose for instance, you experience the election of a public official that you detest and as a result you begin to experience fear and depression. The fear and depression result from the filter through which you experience the election and a hypnotherapist can help you change that filter so that you can let go of the fear and depression.
Another example could be accidentally burning yourself on the stove. The pain that you feel is not a direct experience, but is made up of the filter of past associations and beliefs that you have about pain, through which you are creating your experience. So, again, through the artful use of language a hypnotherapist can help you change that filter so that you feel much less pain and even no pain what so ever.
The mind filters through which we experience reality are very powerful. And working with and changing those mind filters is what allows someone to see an election of a detested public figure as a very real positive opportunity for change, or to undergo surgery pain free without anesthesia.
Topics: Hypnotherapy