By Greg Turner | January 4, 2015
At North Bay Hypnotherapy, I practice a form of gentle hypnotherapy called Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. That’s Milton Erickson, there on the right. He was a medical doctor who revolutionized the field of hypnotherapy.
Gentle hypnosis does not use any of those shock type of trance inductions that are so commonly used by hypnotists and hypnotherapists. By shock inductions I mean those type of inductions where the hypnotherapist or hypnotist has you doing something and then all of a sudden he or she yells “Sleep” and pulls their hand away and the shock is suppose to make you go into trance.
Gentle hypnotherapy is much different than that. It is very natural. You will just be sitting there and I will be gently talking to you and you will find yourself gently going into a hypnotic trance. It is all very safe and natural. You will remain conscious, but it will seem as if you are in a very pleasant dream state.
One big advantage of inducing a trance this way is that the changes made by the sub-conscious mind are much deeper and profound. The changes do not fade away after a few days or weeks like in other forms of hypnotherapy or hypnosis.
Ericksonian hypnotherapy is also not relax-o-therapy, where you are laying down and relaxing so much that you almost falling asleep. You sit upright in a chair, with feet flat on the ground and hands placed on your thighs. It is done this way so that your sub-conscious mind becomes engage with what is going on and not practically falling asleep. That way, your sub-conscious mind can act on the requested changes and make them.
Topics: Hypnotherapy