Election Results and Hypnosis

By Greg Turner | November 10, 2016

stop anxiety and stress over election resultsTwo days ago was the election and now the results are in. For many, the election results are a sore spot. Are you feeling bad, feeling fear, stressed, or depressed over the results from the election?

If the answer is yes, then please keep reading. Because the principles of hypnosis can help you feel better.

It is important to realize that the election results are not actually making you feel any bad thing. They are not. The results are what they are.

What is happening is that you are taking in the results of the election and giving them a certain meaning. Using your thoughts (some are probably unconscious thoughts) you are making the election results mean a certain bad thing for you. And it is this negative interpretation of the election results that is producing your bad feelings.

So what can be done? There are two ways you can proceed.

One way is to use a hypnotic trance to give suggestions to yourself feel better. An example of this is would be to use the free hypnotic recording for stress relief available from the link on the right hand side to release any stress you may be feeling over the election results. If you are in need of feeling less stress, I encourage you to get that recording and listen to it daily to start to feel better.

The second way to proceed is to use a special kind of hypnotic trance that allows you to become aware in the moment of how you are actually creating the bad feelings. This involves learning to become aware of everything going out while at the same time dropping any internal dialog. You see, it is the internal dialog that is creating the negative interpretations of the election results.

And if you just stop the internal dialog, you stop making the negative interpretations and thus stop making yourself feel bad.

Stopping internal dialog can be learned. First realize that you have experienced stopping internal dialog many times in the past. When you see or hear something of great beauty or have a great sexual experience, your internal dialog comes to a halt, if only for a split second.

So, using that previous experience, I would engage in a form of meditation where you repeatedly become aware of your thoughts and for just an instant drop them, let them go. Do this over and over. Eventually the periods of no thinking with increase longer and longer. Then you get to experience existence without thinking.

At that point you can focus your attention on the election results without thinking about them and you experience letting them be as they are, without giving them any negative interpretations.

Topics: Stress and Anxiety

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    "I attended a hypnosis session with Greg Turner. I wanted some extra help to keep one of my resolutions. I was concerned about having someone hypnotize me, but Greg answered all my questions and had me relaxed in a minute or two. Since our session, I’ve been moving ahead with my goal and feel great about it. I would highly recommend Greg to anyone wanting help to kick a habit or create a new one."
    Richard Villasana
    "I've known Greg since 1979 when he first heard about the amazing affects of hypnosis. He wanted to know everything about it and discovered the myriad ways hypnosis could change people's lives. Now as an experienced hypnotherapist he has the knowledge and experience to gently guide you along your path. I highly recommend Greg!"
    R.K. Boston
    "Greg Turner is a wise person as well as being a great hypnotherapist.He knows how to guide you to your own insights and connections. He lets you set the pace of each session and understands the wisdom of silence. He assisted me with a jump I wanted to make in my life and I am on to my next phase. I highly recommend Greg as a hypnotherapist. "
    Sandra S. Larkspur
    "Greg Turner has been a blessing in helping me to cope with stress and the compulsions that stress generates. Even though my permanent home is a far thousand and more miles from Greg the CD Greg gave me has been a long-distance reinforcement for me. I shall be forever grateful."
    "I came to Greg’s office and he explained the whole process very clearly and was genuinely interested in what I had to say. He also posed some interesting questions. I felt like I was finally confronting some real issues. I experienced trance, and came to find myself having thoughts and taking actions that were conducive to what I had laid out as my specific goals. My time with Greg has definitely brought about some changes in me and this is reflecting positively in both my personal and professional life."
    Arthur McCormack
    "Greg, I just got a raise and in part its due to my hypnosis sessions with you. As you know I dreaded the thought of having to get up and do presentations for senior members of my firm. My sessions with you taught me how to focus on the important parts of my speech and to forget about what they might be thinking of me. I now actually enjoy speaking in front of others and apparently my boss enjoys my presentations, as well. My raise more than covers the money I spent with you. Thanks"
    "Thanks Greg for helping with my eating habits. I am now eating much more slowly. Not only that, I now take home leftovers from a restaurant,and do not sit at my desk thinking about the chocolate that is around the office. You are a great hypnotist and I love my new life free of the control of food!!"
    Chris Casagrand
    "All my life I had been plagued with a phobia: I would gag nearly every time I tried to swallow a pill. Over the course of 3 sessions, I grew to trust Greg. Today I am calm and unafraid of taking pills."
    Diana B. Jillie
    "I was experiencing some ongoing fear of speaking in public since I came to live in the US. In 3 sessions, Greg helped me to overcome it. A few weeks ago I could do a singing presentation and I didn’t even noticed I was singing for a public! Yes, that worked perfectly! So, based on that happy outcome, I bought three more sessions with Greg to help me overcoming my fear of getting the Behind-the-wheel test, as I had failed a number of times and got really stuck on the process of having my California driver’s license. We’ve had only 2 sessions and here I am, waiting for my Driver’s License to come by Mail! Passed with flying colors in my driver’s practice test! YAY!!!! I just want to say this: don’t hesitate in asking for his help on “phobia” issues. You will be free of those disgusting feelings in no time with Greg’s help! Thank you my friend! You’ve helped me so much I will never forget you! "
    Flavia Tatai - San Rafael, CA
    "Thank you for helping me to deal with anxiety and stress.I felt a real safety and trust working with you. I was easily able to let go and become calm and relaxed and drop in to a hypnotic state in your presence. The personalized hypnotic messages that you made for me I listen to a couple of times a day and are helping me to manage stress and stay relaxed and peaceful. Your voice is very soothing and comforting. It’s been tremendously helpful to me doing hypnosis with Greg.He really listen to my needs and gave me a lot of tools to work with. I will continue to see Greg as needed for support to work through obstacles."
    Ina B - Novato
    "I’m a person whose living depends on the ability to make cold calls. I’ve always avoided this dreaded task and consequently my income has sufferred as a result. I saw Greg Turner for only three hypnosis sessions. Since that time, my attitude towards cold calling has completely changed. I now enjoy making the calls, and as a result, my income is taking off. If you think hypnosis can help you, definitely give Greg a call"
    "Thanks Greg for helping me with my smoking. As you know I was not sure hypnosis would work for me. In fact, I was pretty uptight about it at first. Your presence and voice are so calm and soothing that after the first session I was able to relax and let you guide me into communicating with those parts of my inner mind responsible for my smoking. Thanks for helping me deal with my deamons because now I no longer have the desire to smoke."
    "Thanks Greg for helping me to quit smoking. I couldn’t have done it without the great insights into myself that you helped me see, and the hypnotic suggestions you gave me seem to still be working great!"
    Josh Reaves
    "Greg Turner, while shaking my hand and talking to me in a strange way, quickly and easily put me into a deep trance. I was really impressed, he has the most compelling hypnotic eyes and is an extremely powerful hypnotherapist and yet has a very safe and reassuring presence. I found Greg always to be completely professional and he has a tremendous knowledge and passion for hypnotherapy and how it can help people. I would recommend him to anyone who wants to explore any health issue or personal issue within their life. "
    Madeleine Scott
    "I needed help controlling certain cravings with food. Greg was patient and one week out and I am doing great, no cravings at all. Highly recommend hypnosis if you are ready to make a change and Greg will help you achieve that goal."