By Greg Turner | November 10, 2016
Two days ago was the election and now the results are in. For many, the election results are a sore spot. Are you feeling bad, feeling fear, stressed, or depressed over the results from the election?
If the answer is yes, then please keep reading. Because the principles of hypnosis can help you feel better.
It is important to realize that the election results are not actually making you feel any bad thing. They are not. The results are what they are.
What is happening is that you are taking in the results of the election and giving them a certain meaning. Using your thoughts (some are probably unconscious thoughts) you are making the election results mean a certain bad thing for you. And it is this negative interpretation of the election results that is producing your bad feelings.
So what can be done? There are two ways you can proceed.
One way is to use a hypnotic trance to give suggestions to yourself feel better. An example of this is would be to use the free hypnotic recording for stress relief available from the link on the right hand side to release any stress you may be feeling over the election results. If you are in need of feeling less stress, I encourage you to get that recording and listen to it daily to start to feel better.
The second way to proceed is to use a special kind of hypnotic trance that allows you to become aware in the moment of how you are actually creating the bad feelings. This involves learning to become aware of everything going out while at the same time dropping any internal dialog. You see, it is the internal dialog that is creating the negative interpretations of the election results.
And if you just stop the internal dialog, you stop making the negative interpretations and thus stop making yourself feel bad.
Stopping internal dialog can be learned. First realize that you have experienced stopping internal dialog many times in the past. When you see or hear something of great beauty or have a great sexual experience, your internal dialog comes to a halt, if only for a split second.
So, using that previous experience, I would engage in a form of meditation where you repeatedly become aware of your thoughts and for just an instant drop them, let them go. Do this over and over. Eventually the periods of no thinking with increase longer and longer. Then you get to experience existence without thinking.
At that point you can focus your attention on the election results without thinking about them and you experience letting them be as they are, without giving them any negative interpretations.
Topics: Stress and Anxiety