Stick To It Hypnosis is the application of hypnosis methods to those long term goals in life that require daily motivation and attention and cultivation.
I am thinking of goals like Losing Weight, or upping your skill at playing the piano, or practicing public speaking with confidence. I am thinking of anything that requires to you do a daily practice of some kind. Perhaps it could be to cultivate a yoga practice, or practice golf every week.
Oftentimes what happens with these types of goals, we start out with the best of intentions and vows to yourselves that we will keep at it. And as often is the case after a few weeks, we lose our motivation. We can’t seem to muster up the energy to keep doing what we said we would do. Sometimes it seems that it is always two steps forward and one step backwards.
There is where Stick To It Hypnosis comes in. This is a collection of powerful tools and techniques (tools that I put together in my own search to keep up my motivations) that when you apply them to yourself, they help you stick to your original goal. Well, hold on a second. A few of my processes do allow for you to come to the conclusion that you really did not want to achieve the goal all along.
The point is that if you feel like you are going forward with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, then this approach is for you. It is possible to go forward to your goal with ease.
By that last statement I do not mean to imply that you don’t have to do the work. If your goal is to build muscle, you still have to lift the weights. The point is that with the use of these special Stick To It hypnosis tools, you don’t have to fight yourself.